Boloney (Alexandre Rouillard) and I (Jeffrey Caulfield) live in Canada where the winters can be a touch cold; very cold indeed! It doesn’t bother us much as we are used to it but our new book ‘Butt Seriously‘ can’t take the chill. So, it’s decided to visit a much warmer climate for a couple of months until the spring returns.
(the guy on the left is not dressed too warm for the cold either. His cheeks are so frosty!)
Our good friend Kathy and her husband took pity on our chilly book so they decided to take it on a grand tour of the American
south west. Here it is on the back of their RV (it’s hard to make out but those are Arizona license plates.)
I think Kathy was having a bit too much Tequila when she took this out-of-focus picture. Our book looks a bit blurry-eyed as well.
But, our Butt’s (Seriously) book is at least nice and warm. It’s good to see it out enjoying itself on the open road, with the wind rustling through it’s pages as the scenery flies past. Who knows, someone may spot it and want a copy of their own.
(get your copy here)
I do hope if it does fall off the back of their vehicle that it doesn’t land too hard and sit neglected on the interstate.
If it does I can only hope these two characters will scoop it up and take it under their protective wing, as they appear to like good humour.
And our book, ‘Butt Seriously’ is definitely that!
Actually, Dan Piraro (creator of Bizarro) was kind enough to write the forward to our humorous tome. (While out on his porch one day he happened to see it fly off of the back of an RV -a different trip – and land in his front yard.) Upon reading it he immediately felt the need to comment on its contents. He states, “The real art of cartooning is to create a compelling illustration that facilitates a compelling gag. Caulfield and Rouillard are the most
shining example of this unique combination I have seen in some time.”
Thanks Dan! (and we’re so glad our book didn’t bounce of off your well-manicured lawn and break a window).
If it did you might have had us put ‘on the rack’.
Of course by doing that would have only meant that our humour would be stretched that much further, and less cartoons would have been needed to be placed into the book. Ha!

As I write this it is snowy and cold outside. But inside I feel warm all over knowing our book is getting a tan on a tablecloth of stars! (plus writing this while sitting in my infrared sauna helps me feel toasty too.) Thanks Kathy!!
So, why not get your own copy of our book ‘Butt Seriously‘ and take it out for a little trip? If you do make sure it’s buckled in good and tight.
And, if camping or hiking our book comes in very handy. You can eat a page a day for that much-needed humour (and roughage), or use a page a day for un-needed ah, well, you know?
Butt Seriously!!!!!
(get your copy here now)
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