Category Archives: painting

Caveman writing

For more ‘creativity’ please visit Mustard and Boloney on

Thinking outside the box

To view more ‘well thought out’ cartoons please visit Mustard and Boloney on Make your comments known!

Chairman Mao

To view more Mustard and Boloney cartoons – and comment on them – please visit

Le 24 Juin, fête de la francophonie

Poisoned - 2009


Bonjour, c’est moi Boloney.

Je n’ai pas publié directement sur ce blog depuis son lancement. Je préfère laisser cette partie à Mustard. Cependant,  pour la fête nationale du Québec, je tenais à souligner la culture francophone, qui est toujours aussi vivante après 400 ans de présence en Amérique. Pour l’occasion, je vous présente Emmanuel Laflamme. Son travail est à la fois très différent de Mustard and Boloney tout en se rapprochant de son esprit. Ses qualités en font un invité parfait pour notre Cartoon Diner.

Emmanuel Laflamme consume avec humour l’imagerie populaire et crée des scènes fortes de sens qui mènent autant à rire qu’à réfléchir. À l’image des surréalistes, il conçoit des représentations dont l’impossibilité manifeste capte l’attention du spectateur. Il crée ses œuvres un peu comme un publicitaire qui n’aurait rien à vendre. Conjuguant les références culturelles, il détourne les mythes anciens et modernes pour nous servir son regard sur le monde, à la fois tendre et critique. L’absurde est son terrain de jeu, l’anachronisme est sa spécialité.

Dark Knight Dali - 2009

Emmanuel est né en 1984 à Montréal. Artiste autodidacte, il a travaillé comme designer en dessin animé et collaboré à des projets de publicité, cinéma et jeux vidéo.


Even Giants Can Fall - 2010


Hello, it’s me Boloney.

I have not published directly on this blog since its launch. I prefer to leave that part to Mustard. However, for the National Day of Quebec, I wanted to highlight French culture, which is still alive after over 400 years of presence in North America. For the occasion, I wish to present Emmanuel Laflamme. His work is both very different from ours yet similar in that his wit approaches ones mind with humour; one presented and wrapped in an extraordinarily unique way. Emmanuel’s creative insights make him a perfect (first) guest here on our Cartoon Diner. We hope you enjoy his work as much as we do. 

Emmanuel Laflamme consumes popular imagery with humour, creating scenes with strong meaning that lead us to laugh and think. Like the surrealists, he develops representations with an apparent impossibility that captures the viewer’s attention. He creates his works like a creative director who would have nothing to sell. Combining cultural references, he diverts ancient and modern myths to serve us his perspective on the world, at once tender and critical. The absurd is his playground, the anachronism his specialty.

Emmanuel was born in 1984 in Montreal, Quebec. A self-taught artist, he has worked as a designer on a popular animated series, and has been involved with the advertising, movie and gaming industries as well.


Cult Mtl



Napoleon Complex - 2010

Mustard And Boloney Create A Timeless Classic (So They Say)

When a buzzard’s stomach growls for food it eats. When thirsty, it drinks. When it wants to view rotting, rancid television it watches ‘Fox’ news.

But, what’s a bird to do when hungry for humour? Well, our friend could eat a dead clown but one must be careful as eating too much of a decaying comedic carcass can lead to explosive laughing gas, the kind accompanied by the potent whiff of unwashed socks; ones mixed with the pungent stand-up humour of Michael Richards.

No, I feel that for all ones gourmet needs, the buzzard – and those people that just think they’re buzzards – need look no further than our new book entitled: ‘Butt Seriously’.

The meat of ‘Butt Seriously’ is humor, complemented by a side order of irreverence, and all manner of situations and subjects are drawn upon to create the delicious – and highly nutritious – ‘aha’ moment. (I’ve eaten ‘aha’ and it especially tastes great when seasoned with curry) Thinking outside the icebox is definitely mandatory, and some panels may cause you to stand on your head and think, “So, that’s what it all means.”  (by reading this blog upside-down can also lead to fresh insights. Go ahead, try it now.)color_0449_rodin

Dan Piraro, creator of Bizarro ( kindly offered to write the forward to our book.

He states, “The real art of cartooning is to create a compelling illustration that facilitates a compelling gag. Caulfield (Mustard) and Rouillard (Boloney) are the most shining example of this unique combination I have seen in some time. In a word what they’ve created here is elite.”

Thanks Dan! You made us both cry tears of joy at reading your eloquent words. (next time though, please send them to us in sentence form; it took us several days to piece it all together; kinda like piecing together a ransom note from old magazines)  FYI: Bizarro’s copy of ‘Butt Seriously’  is hand-signed – in blood – of course.  I say ‘of course’ as it’s perfectly normal for a cartoonist to request an unusual offering for writing a forward. (Blood is at least a step down from his initial request for our souls; shades of ‘Phantom of the Paradise’ (film from 1974)

color_0048_budgieSo, when hungry for humour look no further than our latest book ‘Butt Seriously’,  where every single cartoon panel is guaranteed to fill you with your daily allotment of smiles, belly-roars and well, maybe the occasional laughing gas, but at least minus the indigestion, calories, and blood-pressure inducing salt!

Order your own copy today, and maybe one extra one for your friendly neighbourhood bird or un-feathered relative.

Bon appetit!